Board of Directors Nominations for Mid-Term Vacancy

Position: Second Vice-President/Secretary of the Board

Posted 4/14/2022
Updated 4/29/2022

The Special Meeting scheduled on April 28, 2022 for the purpose of announcing nominees and holding an election, if required, did not have quorum (less than 30 members in attendance). After the close of nominations, there is only one nominee who meets the attendance qualifications: Esther Anderson, who has accepted nomination.

While the Special Meeting could not be called to order, the nomination period has ended and Esther will be officially elected by acclamation at the next General Membership Meeting on June 7, 2022.

Thank you to all nominators, nominees, and attendees of the Special Meeting.

Final Nominations

Last updated:  4/28/2022  5:30 PM

Nominee Nominators
(minimum three required)
Accepted nomination?
  1. Bernadette Blakey
  2. -
  3. -
  1. Maria Medina
  2. Jolene Hutseal
  3. -
  1. Mark Trudel
  2. Benardette Amenaghawon
  3. Angela Neal-Anshelm
Patrick FOSS
  1. Chantal Dorais
  2. Lori Jeffery-Heaney
  3. Andrea Thompson-Dick

Nomination Period

All nominees and nominators must be active members in Good Standing (card-carrying members). Visit the Membership Card Application page to apply for a new or replacement card.

Nomination Qualifications

Nominees, in addition to being in Good Standing, must have Shop Steward and/or Committee experience and have attended a minimum of six regularly scheduled General Meetings and/or Shop Steward Training Sessions (Assembly Meetings) and/or Unit Meetings of the contractual bargaining unit to which the nominee belongs, during the period of October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021 (however, see the below Acclamation Exception). 

Nominees must be nominated by a minimum of three other members in Good Standing.

Acclamation Exception

Members in Good Standing who do not meet the attendance or experience qualifications outlined in CSU 52 Bylaws 5.02 (a)(ii) can still be nominated. Bylaws Article 5.02 (e) Acclamation states:

"When only one (1) candidate comes forward for election to any position, the candidate is said to be “elected by acclamation.” The Presiding Officer shall ask the Second Vice-President/Secretary of the Board or designate to cast a single ballot for the nominee. The Presiding Officer shall then declare the nominee duly elected.

"Where an acclamation is declared for a position and the candidate does not have the qualifications according to Bylaws Article 5.02(a)(ii), the candidate will be acclaimed to the position with full voting privileges." 

Nominations Deadline:
5:30 p.m. on April 28, 2022

(by commencement of the Special Meeting)

CSU 52 Bylaws Article 2.04:

The Second Vice-President/Secretary of the Board shall:

  • in general, assist the President in the performance of the President’s duties;
  • convene and preside at meetings at the request, or in the absence, of the President and First Vice-President
  • ensure that the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the Membership, and all correspondence of the Board are properly kept;
  • be responsible for ensuring that notices for all meetings of the Board of Directors and for any General Meetings of CSU 52 are published in accordance with its Bylaws and Policies;
  • perform such duties as the Board of Directors shall, from time to time, determine.

More information on this position can be found on page 8 (PDF page 16) of the CSU 52 Policy & Procedures Manual (member sign-in required).

Term of Office

From date elected up to December 31, 2022

How to Nominate a Member

Online Form
Sign in to your CSU 52 member account and search for a member's name to nominate them.

  Nominate a Member

Only members in good standing (card-carrying) have access to this form.

By Paper
If you're unable to sign in and use the Online Form, please print, fill out the paper version, and ensure it's submitted (scan & email) prior to 5:30 p.m. on April 28, 2022. If you do not have access to a printer, contact our office to arrange a time to pick up a copy.

  Download Paper Version

As a courtesy, please inform the Nominee (if they are not yet aware) that you have nominated them. The CSU 52 Office Staff are not responsible for ensuring the required number of nominations for a nominee are met.

Election Process

Election of the position, if required, will electronically take place during the April 28, 2022 Special Meeting, immediately after nominees are announced.

Eligible voters will include all members who are in attendance. With the exception of Office Staff, only members in Good Standing are permitted to register and attend.